First-class parts for conveyor rollers and other components

First-class parts for conveyor rollers and other components

Conveyor rollers are versatile components used in the construction of various types of conveyors – for transporting bulk or solid materials (gravel, sand, stone, wood, etc.), in the pharmaceutical industry, food processing, and other industrial sectors. It is clear that conveyor rollers are not standardized and are typically customized to meet the specific needs of customers.

To function properly, they require supplementary accessories, often made from rubber or coated with rubber or polyurethane (such as rubber-coated wheels, rollers, etc.). Our company, Lusik Trade, is a leading manufacturer of such products.

We offer custom manufacturing according to the specific requirements of our customers, including atypical products.

conveyor rollers
Polyurethane processing

Parts not only for conveyor rollers

Durable conveyor rollers thanks to Lusik Trade

We are experts in spare parts for conveyor rollers and other components. If you need advice, we are here for you.

We are happy to answer your questions and assist you in selecting the right part and its customization to fully meet your individual requirements and the specific needs of your project or operation. If you’re interested, we also offer professional consultations in the application and use of rubber or polyurethane products.

Our employees are experienced and qualified specialists in rubber coating and polyurethane products, which is reflected in the certified quality of our products and the professional approach we take in every collaboration. We value the trust and partnerships that have lasted for many years.

This is further evidence of our first-class services, high level of expertise, open communication, and integrity – principles embraced by every employee at Lusik Trade.

Durable conveyor rollers